


Loan System

BPS Loan System


El Banco de Previsión Social (BPS) es el ente encargado de la seguridad social de Uruguay. Tiene como fin la coordinación, organización y ejecución de los servicios estatales de previsión y seguridad social. ​ Además, se encarga de la recaudación de los aportes de los trabajadores que están en actividad, así como del pago a los trabajadores jubilados.


For over 20 years, GeneXus Consulting has been working with the agency to assist in optimizing services for BPS users, modernizing management, and unifying workflow.

The fast-paced race of COVID-19 turned out to be the great digital transformer of society. All organizations, whether public or private, had to reinvent current operations on the fly and recalibrate for a new present. This was especially true for institutions that play a vital role in social security or social welfare.

In this sense, both BPS and all social security institutions in the world played a fundamental role. The key issue was to ensure the health and safety of workers and retirees.

Before the pandemic, an average of 1,500 people per day visited BPS offices to apply for a loan, and the imminent news of closure, and thus the need for in-person procedures, made an immediate solution mandatory.



Through the Loan System, all the loans granted by the BPS for retirees and institution officials were managed online. This system provides loan granting management and integrates with the main loan management system, which includes credit verification modules, application of withholdings, management of delinquents, and management of funds with entities of the Pension Savings Fund.

Online loans for retirees, pensioners, and BPS officials allowed for a procedure that previously could only be done in person.

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It is a project that redesigned one of the most important areas within BPS. The Loan System is in constant contact with beneficiaries, it is part of the most visible service of the organization and therefore has a high impact on the public.

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