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Uruguay's National Meat Institute


Supply Registry and Management System (SRGA)

INAC: Supply Registry and Management System


The National Meat Institute (INAC) was created to propose, advise, and implement Uruguay’s National Meat Policy. It promotes, regulates, coordinates, and monitors the activities of production, processing, commercialization, storage, and transportation of meat products.

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The INAC needed a system to support the management of meat and meat product transactions in the domestic market, which would also be linked to the Unique Registry of Companies and Butcher Shops (RUNEC), also developed by GeneXus Consulting in previous years.

The institute’s objective was to efficiently and promptly track the flow of merchandise, ensuring the quality of the goods through various sanitary and fiscal controls, providing complete commercial transparency.

Furthermore, it was necessary to develop a solution to integrate the system with each company’s own systems, in order to facilitate their operations and avoid duplicate data entry.

In the meat market in Uruguay, there are over 4,000 companies coexisting, with a complex dynamics (2,500 butcher shops, 700 distributors, 70 slaughterhouses, 140 exporters, 10 deboning plants, 50 importers, 80 processing plants, 15 warehouses, among others).


Through the development of the Supply Registry and Management System (SRGA), the different circuits of meat and meat product movements in the national market were digitized by implementing a digital electronic guide. This allows for commercial tracking, from the departure of meat from authorized establishments to various delivery points such as butcher shops, supermarkets, gastronomic operators, etc.

The commercial actors involved in this solution are Slaughterhouses, Deboning Plants, Processing Plants, Distributors, Warehouses, Butcher Shops, Transporters, etc. The system promotes commercial transparency by ensuring that the necessary sanitary and fiscal requirements are met.

Through integration with RUNEC, controls are carried out on the companies and vehicles involved in each operation, validating that they are authorized and comply with all the legal requirements established for their operations.

The SRGA offers different companies the possibility to integrate from their own systems through Web Services, greatly facilitating their operations.

  • net
  • k2btools
  • GX server
  • Power BI
  • GeneXus 16


With the implementation of the SRGA in Uruguay’s meat market, the standard was raised by having digital electronic guides that enable commercial tracking, from the departure of meat from authorized establishments to the butcher shop, supermarket, or restaurant.

This innovation ensures control mechanisms with fair competition conditions and contributes to providing greater guarantees when conducting potential sanitary product traceability. Therefore, the SRGA provides consumer security and allows the merchant to present a product to their customer that comes from a transparent, efficient, and agile merchandise flow system.

In November 2021, the voluntary phase of system adoption began, with various training and adjustment stages. Starting from November 15, 2022, the use of the SRGA became mandatory for all users in the meat supply chain.

During the initial months of system implementation, an average of 4,000 electronic guides were generated daily by the 4,000+ companies involved in the operation. Over 50 companies utilized the system through Web Services Integration.

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